Thursday, February 7, 2008

Shhh...Good Day....

*knocks on wood*

it was a good day yesterday. no unauthorized peeing/pooping in the house, and only a minor flare up of the "here, let me chew on you" events. i keep forgetting how sharp the puppy teeth are. you'd think it would be the other way around, puppy teeth dull, adult teeth razor sharp, but NOOOOOOOOOOOOO :p

sumo still has a nasty tendancy (as did chibi as a puppy), to nip at your fingers, toes, jeans, sweatshirt, etc. and be very persistent about it. he's a little more immunted to the squirt bottle than chibi, but is also more responsive to verbal cues to stop, so i guess it's a wash. we had to go through the domination exercise a couple times last evening (and it sounded like a battle -- but really wasnt that bad), and once this morning.

i think he's getting the hint.

he's also getting more coordinated and stronger each day. we found him standing on the TOP of the couch this morning when we came out for breakfast.

also started taking both dogs out to pee/poop at the same time, the thought process being, sumo will learn to do what chibi does.

we also started adding cookies to the poop/pee praise outside. dont know if that's helping too, but he definitely knows to sit when he comes inside the house after poop/peeing right by the cookie jar.

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