Monday, February 4, 2008

Interesting Weekend

let's see if i can remember everything that happened this weekend....

i watched both dogs saturday afternoon....mostly an uneventful afternoon/evening (other than learning about smoking ribs in the dead of winter when it's raining and windy -- note to bbq fans, the outside temp gauge of the smoker will read lower than the internal temp of the smoker, so if you dont want your ribs dry or over cooked, adjust accordingly).

sumo still doesnt have the "go outside to do business" thing totally figured out. maybe we were spoiled with chibi, but this one loves to pee IN the house (and usually on the big mega dog bed we have)....we've tried to get the pee smell out, but maybe the odor remover isnt working? we're chalking it up to the rain, cold, wind. when it's sunny and warm, he has no problem when we take him outside, when it's nasty, he just runs inside, waits a few seconds, then pees/dumps on the pad or on the dog bed.

like this morning, he went out, peed (great). came back in, ate breakfast, had more water (great). we knew he would have to poop, took him outside again, no action, no poop, no joy...ok fine, come back inside....turn the head for a minute or 2...POOP on the floor.

just dont get it. though he did do fine sunday...all pees/poops were on the pad or outside.

on another topic, met our friend's new chocolate lab puppy (12 weeks old) at the superbowl party. that dog is going to be HUGE. very easy going personality, playful...a lot like sumo, but definitely more easy going. chibi's brother tomo (our friend who was hosting the party owns him) had fun playing (aka. trying to punk) with the lab. he'd better enjoy it while he can. the lab is already 10 pounds heavier, and it's only going to get worse.

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