Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Leaving the Doggies In Jail

Well, eventually it would have to happen. We had a weekend trip and were unable to use our normal friendly "watch the doggies" resources.

We boarded them at our local vet hospital (where they are favorites among the vet techs). We also opted for the "bathe the dogs before we take them home" option for a few extra $. (who wants doggies who have vet/kennel smell at home).

When we arrived to pick them up, one of the techs said, "Sumo doesn't like baths does he?" We replied, "no, not really, why do you ask?"

About an hour before we arrived, one of the techs heard another struggling with Sumo in the grooming area. The noise stopped, she saw the other tech walk from the area soaking wet with the request, "can someone come help me please?". After another 10 minutes with some help, they both walked into the reception area soaking wet.

The key lessons from this weekend. The dogs are fine for a weekend at a boarding facility, and Sumo doesn't like baths (at all) :)

1 comment:

Vi said...

LOL... I like that quote...
"can someone come help me please?"

I picture in my head a helpless, young vet tech, who has had no problems bathing all the other dogs he (or she) has come across, and asks this question in desperation, like someone seeking a lifeline.