Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Bed, Bath, Beyond

looks like the bed switch is permanant. chibi now walks into sumo's crate at night, and vice versa. they both sleep better, so we'll leave it as it is :D

sumo had his second bath last night. he does "ok" (at least relative to chibi). he doesnt like it, but he doesnt fuss as much or scream as much as chibi did/does. he was starting to get that "i smell like a dog" aroma, so it was about time. chibi had her bath as well. she's itching/scratching tons more (looks like she's blowing her coat). it usually helps for a day or 2 (in addition to furminating every other day)

i probably should have taken pics, but after sumo was dried, he got super extra puffy. he hasnt shed much at all (unlike chibi did at 5-6 months). he got SO puffy, that he looked LIKE a sumo dog. it put 5 pounds of weight on him :p he looked bigger than chibi, and his rear fur just exploded into a big "rap guy's girlfriend" butts. he looked extra extra shiba inu puffy (except of course, being that 'defective' cream color)

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