Monday, March 10, 2008

New Techniques

ok, we've been trying the "timeout" method to help reduce sumo's proclivity to "nip" at people/things when he gets excited.

it's been helping a little with me, but we still need to work when it's other people that aren't me :) using his sharp puppy teeth this weekend, he managed to jump up, and pull on munchkin's tshirt and put a hole in it.

other interesting tidbits:
  • our session with the trainer is coming up this sunday
  • working on - help with monitoring who's being the good doggie and who's not
  • working on - best ways to keep both doggies happy
  • we've noticed that since we started feeding the dogs further apart, chibs is starting to get more protective of her food, maybe we'll move them back to side by side feedings

chibi continues to be more calm and relaxed than ever. sumo continues to be the dog who likes to cuddle. we'll need to upload pics, he's getting big fast.

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